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Adjustable Rate Mortgages

While the name of this type of loan almost says it all, there are certain things about Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs) that you should know.

The Rates Are Lower -- Way Lower
Because ARMs are subject to rate adjustments later on, the initial interest rate is set lower than standard fixed rates. This rate provides you with initial lower payments or increased purchasing power.

ARMs Have Changed
In addition to standard programs that adjust annually, our programs provide an initial fixed rate from three to ten years before the rate adjusts at all. These options are best for those who want added payment stability and lower monthly expense.

Life Styles Change
First-time homebuyers no longer tend to stay in their "starter" home for 30 years and experienced homeowners often plan to payoff their mortgage long before the 30-year maturity date. Both of these types of members may benefit from choosing an ARM product with an initial fixed rate period that corresponds with the amount of time their loan is expected to be outstanding.

An Adjustable Rate Mortgage may be a good choice if you:

  • Want to maximize your buying power
  • Want to keep your payments lower during the first few years of your loan.
  • Plan to stay move into a different home within the next ten years
  • Plan to pay-off your mortgage within the next 10 years
  • If, in the coming years, you expect your income to increase significantly

Mortgage Rates

The Loan Consultant feature determines the products and rates that match your needs.

Ready to Start?

To apply for your easy online loan, all you have to do is answer a few simple questions about yourself, your property and your income, debts and assets.
