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Refinancing a Home

Why should you refinance? If the current value of your home has increased it may make sense to refinance at a better rate, or refinance to consolidate debt or plan a home improvement project. If your home value has remained stable or you are in an area where the value of your home has declined, this may not be the best option for you. That's why we've given you two ways to calculate the advisability of refinancing.
  • Want to refinance an ARM mortgage to a fixed-rate mortgage?
  • Get another ARM with a more favorable rate?
  • Build equity in your home at a faster pace (by going from a 30-year loan to a 15 or 20 year loan)?
  • Convert your existing equity to cash for college, home improvements, debt consolidation or financing a vacation home?
  • Reduce monthly payments on a fixed loan?

Refinancing requires you to go through our simplified application process.
  • The Mortgage Process

    Whether you've refinanced before or not, we are sure your experience this time around will be easier, faster and altogether more clear.

    We've summarized our new process into simple steps. Follow these and you'll be closing your loan in no time!
  • Loan Consultant

    Not sure which loan is right for you? Our Loan Consultant walks you through all the important steps of determining which mortgage best fits your needs.
  • Calculators

    Fixed rate loan or variable? For how many years should we finance? Our wide range of calculators can help you answer these and many other questions before you start your application.

Mortgage Rates

The Loan Consultant feature determines the products and rates that match your needs.

Ready to Start?

To apply for your easy online loan, all you have to do is answer a few simple questions about yourself, your property and your income, debts and assets.
